Valuable Life Lessons Ms. Janice Hung Taught Me


Action speaks louder than words. It is one thing to share stories about oneself in social media and another thing to show authenticity through actions in real life.

Some of you probably already know Ms. Janice Hung. She is an International Wushu Champion, 10X Gold Medalist in Wushu, Commercial Model and Actress based in the Philippines. She is the one who introduced me to Steemit. To those who were able to read her story, there’s one thing I can attest to you— if you were inspired by reading her story, you’ll get even more inspired when you get to encounter her and see her do things.

Here are the valuable lessons in life I have learned from Ms. Janice Hung in my personal encounters with her:

1. Authenticity is priceless; Authenticity is power.

I clearly remember the first time I had a dinner meeting with her. We talked about many things but there was one simple thing that struck me— she said a lot of good things about her fans and supporters behind their backs. This may sound superficial to some; but for me, this said much about her character— SHE IS AUTHENTIC. Some people just say good things in front of people to please them, but with her, I felt how genuine her appreciation to those people are. That night, I told myself, “this person is genuine. I see the beauty in her heart. She deserves my support.” Right there and then, when she mentioned about her advocacy, the uDEFEND Project, I immediately volunteered to help and be part of it.

2. Give even if you get nothing in return. Use your time, talent and treasure to add value to others.

Ms. Janice Hung is the founder of the uDEFEND Project. It is her advocacy to teach self-defense to women and children. As contribution to the community, she also developed the uDEFEND Charity Project. She aims to teach public school students for free since they are the ones who cannot afford to enroll in such a class. As we know, attackers target those who they think are weak— the young ones. By teaching the students the uDEFEND program, they will be able to defend themselves in times of need.

Last year, we launched the uDEFEND Project in Payatas B Annex Elementary School. There were around 400 students who benefitted from the program. Since the charity project had just started,
of course there was no revolving fund yet. Some friends gave a little help and Ms. Janice generously gave her share for the expenses of the charity project as well.

Ms. Janice Hung teaching the basics of self defense

students from Payatas B Annex Elementary School

students wearing the uDEFEND belt

the participants from Barangay San Lorenzo

participants apply the uDEFEND techniques

Ms. Janice is a very dedicated person. There have been times that she had a work schedule before our uDEFEND programs and she lacked sleep; but I did not see that in her. Whenever she arrived at the venue, she gave her 100%. When she started conducting the program, I did not see a clue that she got no sleep at all. She did everything at her best. For her, seeing the people learn and adding value to their lives is something considered to be priceless and gives a sense of fulfillment.

3. Walk the talk.

I have shared in my previous blog how Ms. Janice has helped me in my journey to lose weight. I personally do not easily believe or follow a person. What made me believe and follow her is because I saw that she is a person who “practices what she preaches.” She is a “walk-the-talk” kind of person. The workouts that she teaches—she really does them. She even designed the routines herself. Even now that she has that “perfect” figure, she still works out. This inspired me to finish her 30-Day Fitness Challenge and even go beyond 30 days. I’m on day 251 as of today and I love the result.

My figure before I started doing the fitness challenge and the result after a few months

[Note: I recommend that you also read my blog about how Ms. Janice helped me lose weight. It can be helpful to you or someone you know. I’ll share the link below. Also, she will post more about fitness here in Steemit, so watch out for it. ]

4. Quality is very important. Make quality your priority.

Ms. Janice is a person who always reminds me that quality is very important. She is a person who makes sure to do her best in everything she does and she sees to it that quality will never be compromised.

I had a chance to see her do some episodes of a segment in her YouTube channel called Fitness Shifu. Short videos are easy to watch but the truth is that it takes a lot of time and hard work to do the shoot and editing.

During the shoot, she would always check every after take if she did the proper workout forms considering the proper angle, lighting, sound and other factors. She wouldn’t mind if she has to retake if there’s a need because she wants to give her viewers only the best.

Even here in Steemit, she makes sure that she only posts quality contents. She also taught me to do the same because that will be my contribution to the platform and to the readers.

5. Your life is a message. Who you are is your gift to the world.

In one of our conversations during our meeting for the uDEFEND Project, I vividly remember how passionately Ms. Janice told me this, “Claire, I want to inspire many people around the world.” When she said that, I felt that burning desire in her heart to make a difference in other people’s lives through her life story and advocacy.


Her journey in Wushu is a story of inspiration. She is a living testimony of the saying, “Never Give Up”. She started when she was 7 years old. When she saw the Wushu Philippine Team perform, she fell in love with the sport and told herself that one day she will be a Wushu champion. Her journey was not easy because she never got the support of her parents and they even discouraged her. There were times that they even beat her. These things didn’t stop her from pursuing her dreams.

In college, she had to juggle everything in her schedule. In the morning she goes to school. In the afternoon, she has Track and Field training. In the evening she has Wushu training. When she goes home, she needs to study.

That time, although she won National Medals, she was considered the weakest link in the Wushu Philippine Team since she was the only one who didn’t win in international competitions yet. So she trained thrice as hard as all her teammates.

One day, a Chinese coach saw the potential in her and told her she could win internationally if she would change her event from Taolu to Taiji. After long years of persistence and hard work, she finally won her first international medal in the 23rd SEA GAMES. She became a 10-time Gold Medalist for Wushu.

Her life is a message to all that you should NEVER GIVE UP, believe in yourself and do whatever it takes to reach your dreams.

[Note: I highly recommend that you read the full story she has written. I’ll share the link below.]

I shared about the five valuable lessons I learned from my encounters with Ms. Janice Hung and I hope that you learned also from those.

Before I end, I would like to take this opportunity to thank Ms. Janice Hung for being a good role model and influence in my life.


How Ms. Janice helped me lose weight in 30 days:

Full story of Ms. Janice Hung:


IG and twitter: @janicehungwushu
Official Website:


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