Stops and Starts

How much time are you wasting?

You can spend all of your time worrying about what-ifs or grasping on to doubt.

You can spend all of your time building up roadblocks before you even start. Yes. You can do all of that. What for though?

All of that expended energy is wasted. Wasted on stagnation. Wasted on not moving; not progressing.

Instead, take a step.

Make a move. Shoot your shot. You have absolutely nothing to lose. Even if you think you do, you really don't. You will either triumph or learn a valuable lesson. What you won't do is spontaneously combust. I promise you, by making a move, your head will not explode!

We build up all of these things in our heads to keep us from catapulting ourselves forward all in the name of fear.

We exhaust ourselves long before we can even get started. We murder our momentum. Newsflash: even when you plan perfectly, even when you have a contingency plan that's better than Plan A; you still really don't have complete control so, just breathe and dive in. Have enough faith in yourself and your abilities to just go for it.

All the time you spend worrying and stressing is time that you are wasting.

It's time that you cannot get back. Don't turn around 5 years from now wondering what would have happened if you had just...started.


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