My life on a Wednesday!

Wednesdays for me are Album Sale day! What are album sales? Well, for my retail business its the day that I post all my inventory online for sale in my shopping group. Its the day that I photograph any new inventory that came in that day to post in the group. Its the day I schedule all my albums to load at a specific time. Its the day I post a bunch of engagement style posts to the group to interact with all of my customers! But please dooonnnttt forget.... Thats only one of the many roles I play in my life. LuLaRoe Business Owner.

Wednesdays start off as any other day; My sweet little lady wakes up somewhere between 6-7:15...yes its that broad of a range, and then we get her changed and into her swing where she can relax and watch her favorite show "Mickey Mouse Clubhouse"! Now before you panic, yes my little lady watches a little bit of tv but its 30 minutes and its once a day. ;) Then she naps! Then its bath/shower time. On Wednesdays specifically its a fun day for Madison and I because she has a reading/singing class at the library. I love this class! We rush off to this class where she has so much fun!! There are so many kids in this class. I don't know whats more entertaining for her the singing and reading the teacher is doing or the singing and dancing the children in this 2 and under class are doing! I think the thing I love about this class is the weekly observation of the other babies/toddlers. I only see most of these kids once a week, and the growth and development that can happen in a week is amazing! Anyways, now reading class is over...Madison and I run an errand on the way home and then its more playtime until madison eats lunch at noon! During playtime, I multi task to throw together some last minute graphics for my shopping group in between pressing the buttons on this bear!

Lunchtime is here for Madison and its Oatmeal and Banana Puree on the menu! Her fave!! After lunch, I read a story or two to her while she's in her highchair. Its the easiest way to have her pay attention to the story without her trying to devour the book! Literally!!! Notice how I haven't mentioned that I've eaten yet.....No joke. This is how my day goes. Ok, so now Madison goes down for her nap! ahhh I can have a little lunch! Its 1 now :)

The rest of our afternoon rotates between playing in the jumpy seat, playing on the playmat, and going for a walk, until its time to prep for my next role. Being a wife! I figure out what dinners going to be and check to see if I have the stuff. I know, I should have planned out the week. Buttttttt, I didnt!

Now its 5, I feed Madison her banana/oatmeal puree and then were off to the grocery store! I grab the groceries while Madison grabs a quick snooze in her stroller. When were home its multi-tasking prime time! Im trying to entertain a 7 1/2 month old while cooking dinner and making sure my albums are loading!

Then Dada comes home and I don't know what Im more excited about; The look on her face when she sees him walk through the door or just seeing my husband come home!

We eat dinner and then together put Madison down to sleep. My day is just beginning. Theres cleaning, lots of work to do for my customers and time to be spent with my husband.

In between all these things there's 4 more milk feedings, changing diapers, doing a load of laundry, dishes, photographing, etc. The day is always insanely busy and goes by insanely fast but I wouldn't change a thing. Maybe I would like the day to slow down but I wouldn't change what I do. I get to spend all day with my sweet girl thats filled with lots of love and snuggles!IMG_0266.jpg

Rest. Repeat.

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