A Song for Peace in the World

Hello, all Happy Steemians!
It's nice to see you again here in this platform. Hopefully we can always exist in this world by sharing every single activity, event, thought, and perspective to others .


Like me, I feel excited today because it is Sunday, it's weekend, and it 's free time of a thousand works. One of favorite things I do in my free time are listening to the songs and singing.

Lately, I notice many people in my countryside, at my school, also at wedding party are fond of playing a well-known song, Deen Assalam, performed by Nissa Sabyan, an Indonesian. What makes this song really special? You will know soon after finishing reading.

Now, let's pay attention to the following phrases first:

The whole earth will be narrow
If we live without tolerance
But if we live with feelings of love
Though our narrow earth, we will be happy

Through noble and peaceful behavior
Spread it with a sweet soy
Make the world respectful
With love and smile
Spread among people
This is Islam, the peace religion

Here it is in Bahasa Indonesia:

Seluruh bumi ini akan terasa sempit
Jika kita hidup tanpa toleransi
Namun jika hidup dengan perasaan cinta
Meski bumi sempit kita kan bahagia

Melalui perlaku mulia dan damai
Sebarkanlah ucapan yang manis
Hiasilah dunia dengan sikap yang hormat
Dengan cinta dan senyuman
Sebarkanlah diantara insan
Inilah Islam agama perdamaian


Don't you think that those are beautiful words? However, it's not a poetry. It's the lyrics of the song, Deen As-salam. The song which is firstly published on May 17th, 2018, has been already watched by more than 12 millions users in You tube. This popular song is originally presented by Sulaiman Al-Mughni from Middle East. In Indonesia, the song became well-known all over the country when Nissa Sabyan performed the song cover. Throughout this song, she successfully delivered a very important message to all people from around the world that Islam is peace religion.

Try to listen to the song and you will feel the peace in your heart. Not only because of the beautiful voice of the singer, but also because of the best rhythm and lyric of the song. Are you curious? Let's check it out.


How people are impressed so much on her way of singing the song. It's so beautiful and peaceful song. No wonder if some people of other countries then showed their great reactions and stated the positive comments on her performance.

Please check one of the videos out.


Based on those lyrics, we can infer that wherever we live in this different part of the world, and whatever the languages, nations, and skin colors we have, we need to live peacefully. No war, no bullying, but only peace and wisdom. That is what Islam would like to declare through this song.

At last, enjoy the song many times because it is nice song so that I highly recommend it to you. You listen to this song, sing it, and then let's practice tolerance, love and affection among us, all people around the world.

Best regards,

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