🔥OK, so check this out.



This was calculated on 15 February, 2018 (it does NOT show current exchange figures/rates of exchange).
I/we checked out the exchange rate you would receive if you exchanged just 1 SBD using a third party exchange service.
1 SBD exchanged into BTC was 0.00019726 BTC if you did your own exchange of 1 SBD.

Next we decided to try something else. So I/we decided to check out the exchange rate you would receive if you used our new club to exchange as a group of 100.
So now…. look at this:
90 SBD (it’s only 90 SBD as my fees were deducted) exchanged into BTC was 0.04536188 BTC. Therefore it would have been 0.00045361 each if you used @circle.invest club) That would have been OVER 2 X MORE BTC FOR YOU than if you exchanged your own 1 SBD for BTC. ( note again, these are exchange figures from a while ago…)

Has this got you thinking yet?

WOW! That means you could have got quite a lot of extra BTC simply by using the @circle.invest club. OK so that tiny amount of BTC doesn’t sound like much…but if you KEEP CONTRIBUTING your 1 SBD regularly, all those tiny amounts will add up FAST.

No Brainer really isn’t it? Even after my facilitation fee is deducted you will still HAVE A LARGER AMOUNT OF BTC when you use @circle.invest club than if you exchanged your own SBD just 1 SBD at a time.



1 SBD each contribution (no less and no more) this club is intended to help SMALL amount contributors only.

For each contribution of 1 SBD received into the wallet of @circle.invest club, a facilitation fee of 0.100 SBD will be deducted as my/our fee (this fee can be sent anywhere, and/or used as I/we see fit).

The balance of all contributions will be pooled until there are 100 contributions (totaling 90 SBD).

All deposits pooled into one 90 SBD amount to be exchanged for BTC and held in a BTC wallet of @circle.invest club choice. (this exchange will occur ONLY each time there is 100 contributions of 1 SBD).

The remaining SBD (90 SBD) is exchanged for BTC (using a third party) and credited into a selected BTC wallet/address
The cost to exchange this total is evenly split and automatically deducted from the pooled amount exchanged into BTC.

Your share of the pooled amount is exactly the same as for all contributions (for each 1 SBD you contributed) of the remaining amount that is credited into the selected BTC wallet/address, for each deposit made into selected BTC wallet/address.

I/we will do our best to exchange the SBD into BTC as soon as I/we are aware there is 100 SBD to exchange. This is not currently an automated process and could be up to 24 hours after there is a block of 100 SBD in contributions into the @circle.invest club.

If you choose to upvote/resteem this post, it may encourage others to use the club too, meaning the 100 contribution minimum before exchange may be reached faster (this is better for you).

The full amount is credited to exclusive wallets/addresses for @circle.invest club.

The total is notified as a post on Steemit as an amount in BTC, this way individual contributors can follow the performance of BTC as they wish. These notification posts could be upvoted/resteemed/commented if you wish to provide support and more visibility for the @circle.invest club.

The @circle.invest club is intended as a place to hold (HODL) BTC (as a strategy) not to trade BTC.

1 SBD will not be very much BTC, so it is a good idea to contribute regular 1 SBD amounts (for example after each rewards payout day), and then HODL it to accumulate a more substantial BTC amount for yourself.

While I encourage contributing to this club, I also encourage that you keep SBD and STEEM too of course…. Diversification is good!

The total available in the @circle.invest club will be the pooled amount less all fees.

This total amount is held for 33 days (each contribution must be held 33 days minimum).
Each additional contribution made must also be held 33 days minimum.

@circle.invest club is not a way to avoid (any possible current or future) tax liabilities for individual contributors in the club.

Account Contributors/transactions in the pool are recorded in the STEEM Blockchain, and as such are public. BTC transactions are recorded in the BTC Blockchain, and as such are public.

The total must be held in the selected BTC wallet/address for 33 days minimum before it can be sent to each contributor (less any exchange fees not controlled by me).

Owners will receive their holding in BTC less any transaction fees, for each 1 SBD contributed at the end of 33 days from when the contribution was credited into the selected BTC wallet by @circle.invest club.

It should be noted that such small BTC amounts could possibly be eaten up by transfer fees, so it is better to continue to HODL as BTC, and or contribute more SBD thereby creating a larger BTC holding for yourself.

It is recommended not to request withdrawal of your BTC until you have made at least 14 SBD in contributions, this way you will receive a larger BTC amount into your own BTC wallet when you request it.

After 14 SBD has been contributed into the pool, and you have x amount of BTC owed to you, then you will receive a memo to withdraw your BTC holdings into your own BTC wallet/address as an additional security measure.

The @circle.invest club is intended as a way for very small contributions to be made as a way to create a holding in BTC by contributing regularly into the club.

It may not be possible to exchange and deposit such small amounts without the use of such a system as fees could potentially be almost as high or higher than the tiny amounts that get contributed into the club. (1 SBD per contributor per contribution).

You will require your own BTC wallet/address to receive your BTC holdings.

IN. (means accept my contribution of 1 SBD to be added into the @circle.invest club to be held minimum 33 days after crediting to the selected BTC wallet/address. The word IN. must be sent in the transaction memo when sending each 1 SBD contribution to @circle.invest club.

OUT. (means return previous contribution now), only available for each contribution after it has been in the selected BTC wallet/address for minimum 33 days). The word OUT. Must be sent in the transaction memo when you wish to receive your BTC holdings back to you. The memo must also include the BTC wallet/address you wish to receive you BTC holding into.

An order of OUT means you want your BTC to be sent to the BTC wallet/address you detail with your OUT order transaction memo. Get it right as NO RESPONSIBILITY will be assumed by me for any incorrect wallet/address YOU provide.

The 33 day minimum hold begins upon the crediting of the amounts into the @circle.invest club BTC wallet/address selected. depending upon the time to accumulate 100 SBD in 1 SBD contributions, this could be an undetermined length of time.

It should be noted that in the past BTC transactions have been known to take minutes/hours/days to complete and be credited into wallets/addresses. Your 33 day hold on your share of BTC begins the moment the BTC hits the selected BTC wallet/address and not any time before then.

All records are available on the STEEM Blockchain and are therefore publicly available.
All BTC transactions are publicly available on the BTC Blockchain and are therefore publicly available.

A contribution is a transaction from your account wallet of 1 SBD (no more and no less) into the account wallet for the Steemit account @circle.invest

If you wish to contribute MORE than 1 SBD at one time this is NOT possible, you may however make multiple contributions with each one being EXACTLY 1 SBD.

Example you contribute 12 x 1 SBD contributions, your total of 12 SBD will be exchanged only when there is 100 SBD in the pool to be exchanged

Example you contribute 18 x 1 SBD contributions, your total of 18 SBD will be exchanged only when there is 100 SBD in the pool to be exchanged.

Example you contribute 7 x 1 SBD contributions, your total of 7 SBD will be exchanged only when there is 100 SBD in the pool to be exchanged.

SBD contributions will not be returned as SBD to the contributor under any circumstances. Please be absolutely certain you want to contribute into @circle.invest club and start accumulating your BTC easily, just a little at a time.

Each 1 SBD contribution will have a 10% fee deducted (0.100 SBD) as my facilitation fee, because operating this pool will involve considerable time consuming work on my part. You will still get more BTC by using our club than exchanging your own 1 SBD at a time though.

The SBD contributed will be exchanged only each time there is 100 contributions (each of 1 SBD) in the Steemit account @circle.invest.

Any extra the Steemit account @circle.invest earns in Steemit rewards will also be retained by @circle.invest and used as @circle.invest sees fit.

The pool has no claim on the Steemit account @circle.invest, only the total BTC collected and held in selected BTC wallets/addresses by the creator of the Steemit account @circle.invest.

BTC remainders not divisible by 100 (the number of contributions for each BTC deposit) will be kept by @circle.invest, the BTC wallet/address of the pool will not round up indivisible amounts.

Transactions made of less than 1 SBD or more than 1 SBD (each transaction) will NOT be added to the @circle.invest club, they will be considered as donations, and will NOT be refunded.
Also, Fork coins/tokens and Airdropped coins/tokens at this time will not be available to users of this club.

So, is it time to start accumulating your own BTC yet, if you haven’t started yet, then why not do it now, the sooner you start the better for you.

You can watch your BTC holdings grow as each time there is a block of 100 SBD contributed there will be a post made notifying the exact total BTC amount for each club member.

If you contribute then you should also follow this account, so you don’t miss the posts that I/we make.

The more regularly you contribute the faster you BTC holdings will grow.
Is it time yet?
Is it time today to start to HODL some BTC?

You must exercise your own judgement to decide to contribute or not to contribute.

Contributing to collect BTC may not be legal where you live, you must decide for yourself as to the risk you are prepared to accept if you decide to contribute.

This is NOT an encouragement or offer to break relevant laws where you live. I/we will not be held liable for YOUR actions regarding contributing to a club initiated from where you live, in order to collect BTC.

While it is possible for me/us to use certain tools to determine your location, and from that information, search the current legal situation of this offer as it pertains to your location, we choose not to do this, as doing this would add additional time requirements and also cost.

Please remember, all transactions are public.

The offer of using @cirlce.invest club is only to be accepted in jurisdictions/countries where it is legal to make this offer.

If this offer and/or your ability to accept it is NOT legal in your jurisdiction/country then this is NOT to be considered an offer made by me/us to you.

This is NOT to be considered financial advice in ANY way manner or form. Prospective members who choose to use the @circle.invest club are fully responsible for the choices they make.

@circle.invest reserves the right to amend the terms of use at any time, and if amendments are made then notification will be via posting in Steemit. Continued contributions form you indicate your acceptance of the terms.

Now it is decision time…

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