
There is this saying that goes thus :

If you want to go fast go alone, if you want to go far go with others.

Just imagine what it will look like if the top companies and organization like google ,facebook e.t.c we have today was run just by the founder or CEO; I doubt if we would be hearing of them today.

Teamwork is the ability to work together toward achieving a common goal or vision; meaning everyone in a team must be working towards achieving a set goal.
Team Work Makes a Dream Work .

Why Working Team Work is Necessary ?

How far your organization can go depends on the team you work with. The dreams of an organization cannot be achieved by just one person and that’s why it is of importance to have team of creative individual who are ready to contribute their talents and ideas towards the achievement of the organization goal.


Team work really help to achieve a lot such as:

  • Team work enhanced your performance by enabling you to accomplish tasks faster and more efficiently. Working in a team helps me learn and accomplish task faster, since there is always a deadline.

  • It increases the efficiency of the company and team members: Potentials are unleashed through team work as individuals will want to do their very best to ensure tasks are accomplished; because no one one will want to be the one making the team unproductive.

  • Enhanced communication and help improve communication among members. Teams members get to interact and at the same time acquire from others skills or characteristics he/she would like to have.

  • You feel fulfilled and accomplished when your team succeed or accomplish a task.

    For me I have realize teamwork has really been an effective way of getting things accomplishment.
    It gives me a sense of belonging working with other team members to achieve a set goal. apart from giving me a sense of belonging it also makes realize how relevant and needed I am.

Teamwork is indispensable if you really want to achieve much, have a team to work with .

Thanks for taking out time to read!

All images are gotten from image source

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