How will the Planets affect you today? The Moon is our Emotions and Inner Feelings.....

Daily Moon and Planetary Forecast Monday 12th March - Moon in Capricorn

The Moon is in Capricorn still today. Making us focus on our work, responsibilities and goals. Giving us the emotional drive to get what we need to done and tend to bigger things. When the Moon is here its actually uncomfortable in its opposite side. The Moon wants to be soft, nurturing, emotional and at home but Capricorn is cold, work and goal driven and wants to get out and achieve and climb that mountain. So we can feel this pull within ourselves today. Knowing we have responsibilities to others and to ourselves and tending to them. It can highlight power struggles and bring up issues with authority figures like teachers, bosses or our father or husband and where we are being held back or restricted. We know we need to get things done, but want to do it on our own schedule and do it how it suits us.

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The Pluto conjunction with the Moon today will have us needing to transform some deep emotional darkness within holding us back from achieving our goals and going after what we want. Some issues with authority figures or coworkers may come up with boundaries and step on them or over them or you not putting them high enough. Where are we feeling restricted in our lives preventing us from taking action or are we restricting ourselves and are we sabotaging ourselves. What do we need to shift emotionally so we can take on things and deal with what ever comes up.

The Sun in Pisces is Sextilingthis conjunction helping us really visualize what we want to achieve and shining a light on how we can achieve our goals and life purpose. Helping us to heal where we are deceiving ourselves or see where others are deceiving or sabotaging us.

What can be change in our life to so we can feel more like we are doing what we want to do and achieving things that are attainable by hard work. Transforming our beliefs to give us more drive to stick to our guns and put the effort in and see the rewards and the end result in our vision and keep it there.

Uranus is also sitting on the Mid-heaven today. This is part of what makes up our career, our path, what our purpose is and what we can achieve in life. We can be feel more of a humanitarian purpose to do more on this earth that makes a difference and creates a legacy or something good for others to benefit from also. It can help us come up with new ways to do things or innovative ways to move forward on our path. We can really tune into what we need to do in this life and start to look at the bigger picture.

In a week the Sun will conjunct Chiron 'The wounded healer' in the last degrees of Pisces! This is deep spiritual healing of past and karmic wounds helping us to ascend. There will be a huge shift in consciousness as we heal ourselves we learn, grow and master our skills and gifts, giving us the experience and knowledge to step us and help and heal others too.

Capricorns can be alcoholics too, so don't drown your sorrows of all work and no play in a drink or a bottle! Take action in your life and make room for those you love too. Find this balance today!

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As Above, So Below.

Christine XOXO

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