Purposeful Steemits: Start Living The Ultimate Life You Want By Resolving Your Life's Purpose

That helpless resignation overtakes you when you’re disorientated in a foreign city. You don’t speak the language, understand the map, blank faces stare back at you, once you ask for directions. You feel completely helpless, abandoned, as a sense of panic begins to overwhelm. You feel lost, as your equilibrium tilts.

This is why you like the safety of home where everything is familiar. Yet, some of us are completely lost there as well, and don’t even realize it. We ignore where we are, who we are, lose mindfulness of this exact moment in time. We allow the everyday hectic hustle and bustle to rule us.

The ultra modern times that we humans currently enjoy, this at least in the developed world, we’ve become completely insulated. We hide in the cocoon that is our homes and our daily occupation, the daily grind that we call our jobs.

Living With Blinders

We never appear to have enough time, we’re always short on money or memory, we’re completely exhausted to do the things we really want to.

We don’t have any time for ourselves, as we wake up and go slave for someone, fulfilling their dreams, while not getting paid for what we feel we’re worth.

We live our lives to provide for our families, do all the mundane tasks and chores in the home. Sacrifice, be willing to take a bullet to protect our children. We amass financial and emotional debt just to scratch out the core basics of living a life.

We begin to feel trapped in a vortex of stress and anxiety, all while striving for what we think we want. Then we feel empty inside, feel unfulfilled, and feel guilty for feeling that way.

Something Elusive Is Missing

We crowd our lives with the boring, so we can avoid asking ourselves, “Who am I, why am I here at this time and place.” Yet we don’t ponder for long, as we’re afraid it will kick us out of our comfort zone.

We want to know, but don’t really want to know, this because it will shake up our lives, shake our foundation. What we human beings are afraid of is change, but it’s the only way to move forward.

Those Evolved

Every highly evolved person on this planet preaches the same message. And that’s they’re living their life with purpose, living their life with passion. They don’t need to tell us, as we can feel they are.

They all have their own unique roots, different backgrounds and disciplines, they’re from different cultures, yet they have the same message, and that’s we’re all interconnected.

That we’re placed on this earth at this time and place to be to united. We’re all water drops, tears of the whole. The only way to come together is to construct rather than destruct, that the world will harmonize through each of our unique contributions.

To Contribute

We think how we contribute is to volunteer our time, or to donate our money to a cause. Heck, there’s an entire industry that’s devoted to the unsolicited begging for money, this because we’re caring contributing humans.

Sure these charitable organizations need our donations of money and time, but an infinitely more intangible way to make your contribution, is by fulfilling your life’s purpose.

What this means is to always live your life intentionally, and not by accident. Capture the essence of what it means to being fully aware, knowing that you have powerful intended direction in your life

Then make the right choices which increases these positive values, this for yourself and others. Fulfill yourself with this hope today, and every day. Make sure that you live your life based on your own principles.

So What’s Your Purpose

Your life purpose should be the underlying theme to your everyday living. So don’t hate your job, parenting, or your partner. Know your life purpose can fill in these gaps, although that’s not your intention.

Your life purpose isn’t a title or a destination, but the choice you decide to take to do something that will contribute. Never underestimate the power of your contribution, however small it may be, as it holds immense power.

You can fulfill this purpose by acknowledging, being kind, offering a smile or nice word, lending an ear, anything that will contribute towards the physical, mental, or emotional well being of another human soul.

Or conversely, once you refrain from making judgment, say harsh words, not gossiping, being petty, anything that you know that would be hurtful to another.

The special wording of your life purpose is uniquely yours, as what certain words has are specific meanings to each of us. Once you speak purpose, something physical rather than mental happens.

Others who hear these words won’t feel the same power, this because it is not theirs, as they’re not meant to impress anyone. It’s rather the universe speaking to your soul, and that’s all that matters.

The Language Of Your Purpose

“I am strong and free, leading others to discover their own true value.”

Once you state your purpose, your heart becomes fulfilled, as you have a sense of peace and understanding which overwhelms. This because you’re contributing to the lives of others.

What most won’t do is fulfill their life’s purpose to full capacity. The reason being they hate their job, or are absent as a lover or parent. They don’t spread the right words to contribute towards a better world.

What’s not realized is their potential, the contribution that they can make to this needing world, this by stating their purpose. This in the hopes of touching as many lives as possible, hopefully enabling others to realize their potential as well.

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