Why We Should Stop Saying "Pressure Creates Diamonds" - Daily Meditation #25

The saying "pressure creates diamonds" should be tossed into the scrapheap of hideous clichés. You've all heard this idiom repeated ad nauseam. The saying means that adversity creates people that are strong and beautiful. But that's only half the story.

Adversity can break you. Synonyms for adversity are disaster, trauma, and misery. That doesn't sound like the makings of saints and champions, right? Many of life's calamities are more likely to leave with you post-traumatic stress disorder rather than a diamond's trademark shimmer.

This saying needs to be revamped:

"Pressure creates diamonds, but diamonds must be cut before they shine"

The diamonds you see in a jeweler's window don't come out of the mines looking that way. Diamonds must be carefully cut. Facets are carved into the diamond, so that they can reflect the light more radiantly. This takes the diamond from a rough stone to a gorgeous gem. Therefore, pressure is not enough to create diamonds, just like adversity is not enough to create beautiful and strong human beings. Diamonds must be consciously shaped, and so must you.

When you encounter adversity, you must approach it with a particular attitude. I can't blame you for feeling hurt, bitter, and angry when turmoil causes you to suffer. That is the pressure of the situation hardening you. But once the worst of it is over, the search for meaning and insight begins. You have to cut away at the parts of the adverse experience that do not serve you. Leaving behind the pain of real trauma takes time and emotional labour. But, only after chipping away at your own defects can you truly begin to shine.

I wish overcoming adversity was as simple as parroting that "pressure creates diamonds". But we all know that life doesn't work that way. Encountering adversity does not automatically make you a great person. Amazing people that bounce back from adversity are slowly sculpted. You must do deep, introspective work. Otherwise, the lessons that adversity can teach you will be lost to the pain and indignation that you justifiably feel.

Hence, my new favourite saying: "Pressure creates diamonds, but diamonds must be cut before they shine."

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