"How To Handle Adversity? Expect It." - Daily Meditation #23

If you drop a glass from shoulder height, are you surprised when it shatters? Of course not. You're well-aware of gravity, and you know the glass will break.

So, why are you surprised when adversity presents itself? When you try to make progress, you are bound to encounter resistance. Setbacks are as inevitable as the dropped glass breaking. And yet, most of us are shocked when life shatters our carefully made plans into smithereens.

Wilting at the first sign of adversity is worse than never trying. If you never try, at least you didn't expend the energy of making a feeble attempt. Giving up at the first sign of trouble is like quitting after taking the first punch in a boxing match. Why the hell did you get in the ring if you didn't expect to take a punch or two?

Expect problems. Envision the worst-case scenario. Acknowledge that failure is a possibility and accept it. To be alive is to continually encounter adversity again and again. Living things struggle against their environment, and this fact is etched into the fabric of the universe.

Given the nature of reality, you should greet adversity with open arms. After all, adversity is a guest that you've been expecting. Entertain adversity's trivial need to amuse itself with you. It will eventually get bored, and move on.

See the problems coming.

Push past them.

This is the nature of progress.

How do you handle adversity? Do you expect the unexpected? Or are you still caught off guard by some challenges? Leave me a comment below and we can discuss adversity together.

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