#How to overcome fear?

Do you like mountain climbing?
This photo is my first hiking challenge. Actually I'm afraid of heights. I never played roller coaster, or thrilling games.14573023_793488720789659_4396951199653690859_n.jpg

That's when my friend tried to persuade me to try climbing a mountain once. She said "i'm sure you will like it". I thought it was crazy, how can I play it? I was so scared that my heart was beating so fast, so I tried to calm myself down. I said to the instructor, "Please hold the string tightly and bring me down gently."
At the beginning of the first stone my heart beat and then the instructor pointed me up the higher steps, I kept climbing until I looked down I was in a very high position from the ground. The instructor said he would drop the rope to lower to the ground. Oh my god! i'm really scared because its too high, i scream "Slowly please". Less than a minute later I landed safely but my eyes were completely frightened.
It took me 10 minutes to calm down then I felt better and started to challenge the second time.
That day I made the climb challenge three times. I thought it was great that I could overcome my fears.
Nothing is impossible

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