Mothering Earthlings


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Motherhood can sometimes feel like a thankless job.
You work hard every day cleaning the house,
Only to be rewarded with more mess.
Then don't like the food you prepare,
And complain about everything else.

But the day will come when they will no longer depend on you.
They will soon have their own lives.
And you will be left wondering where have the days gone?
So, now that they are still small and clingy,
Don't let a day pass without hugging and kissing them.

So go on, momma.
Read them their favorite bed night story as much as they want.
Because you'll be reading your last bed night story sooner than you think.
Play with them even if you are tired and sleepy.
You never know the last time they will want to play with you.

Smile even if you don't feel like it.
And when they cling to you like koala bears,
Hug them back as tight as you can.
Treasure each moment you spend together,
Because you can't turn back the hands of time.




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