What Do I Do for a Living?

The age old first question of most humans when meeting someone for the first time.

What do you do for a living?

"O I work for Company X as a Title Y and I get a salary of Z. How about you?"

Well geez I am actually looking for work right now.

"Well you know McDonald's is hiring $12 an hour down the street you should take a look at that."


Such compassion some of us humans show for one another.

So when I get the question: "What do you do for a living?"

I respond:

I help people for a living.


The faces and responses are priceless.

Almost every time.

Some of so happy and they ask:

  • How do you do that?
  • How long have you been doing it?
  • How many people do you help?
  • How do you help them?

And then some just look at me like all the years of programming by society just rushing down into one big:

What the fuck you mean you help people?

How is that a living?


I usually just try and end the conversation as politely as possible and save my energy for another day.

But how is it a living?

It is a living because it motivates me to bring as much value, happiness, and inspiration I can in the 24 window that day.

It is a living because helping people matters.

It matters because people matter.


And people need help.

All types of help.

So why is a bad way to live to help people?

My gut instinct tells me it is one of the more honorable life professions.

But what do I know? What does any of us know?

We just go off our gut instincts and our life experiences mixed with the knowledge we obtain on the way.

Us humans are just an accumulation of life stories, information, and knowledge.

But in order to achieve our life purpose most of us need help to do it.

And you may be the only person out of 7+ billion people who don't need it.

But most of us need it.


We need it in the form of compassion and unconditional love and support.

We need it in the form of human interaction. Real, meaningful positive human interaction.

Not some bullshit text or Facebook message wishing you happy birthday.

Like actually interact.

Like humans are supposed to do and be.

We are and have been social creatures our entire existence.

So why don't you want to interact with other humans?

I absolutely love it.

I love helping people, even if it is just some words of encouragement, respect, or positivity.

I love helping people achieve their dreams and their full potential.

I am not sure why, but I have been like this most of my life.

When I meet a new person in my life, its almost like I see their entire life flash before my eyes. For whatever reason I see them for their fullest potential.

What they are and were born to do in their life.

And sometimes that has gotten me into trouble.

I see how incredible a person at their full potential will and can be and I make the mistake of sometimes treating them now like their future self.

I treat them like they have already achieved their fullest potential.

But they haven't.

So sometimes relationships sour; but thankfully I had a like-minded crystal soul pass on the Four Agreements to me.


Such an epic book and taught me so much about life.

But one of the Four Agreements is never take anything personally.

You need to realize that everything happens for a reason and that you can not take what other people say and act towards you personally.

It's not their fault.

It's not anyone's fault.

Its just how life works.

So I adjusted and now I try and not take anything personally in my life, positive or negative.

So what do I do for a living?

I help people realize and achieve their dreams.

It's why one of our vehicles of real, positive change is Dreams Come True (DCT).


Courtesy of OG Tech Shaman @nicnas

For the past seven (7) years, myself and a squad have been traveling, connecting, building all with the common goal of helping each other realize and achieve our dreams.

As a result, Dreams Come True has helped individuals, businesses, non-profits, & all crystal souls achieve their purpose and realize they can achieve their dreams it just might take some time, effort, and resources.

So if you have a dream and wan to accomplish it, just the team. We all help each other through the best an worst of life and wow let me tell you the relationships with these crystal souls are more meaningful than anything in my life.

So feel free anytime, anywhere reach out for help.

Because what do I do for a living?

I help people.

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Thank you as always for your time, support, and attention. It means the world to me.

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