A Hard See You Later

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  Some people say that one of the worst things is saying goodbye to someone you love, and we usually tend to say goodbye to someone who isn’t physically in the world.  

  But I realized that it isn’t like that.  

  I realized that one of the worst goodbyes is when a dear person has to go to live to another country. Today, Venezuela goes through a moment where we live that kind of goodbyes, Venezuela is going through one of the most abrupt crisis that has lived, young people, mature, kids with their parents, sometimes parents have to leave their kids to look for a better future, a better quality of life.

  It’s here when one of the most difficult decisions to understand begins.

 That moment when that person say to his/her father, mother, kids, family or even his/her couple “I have to go!” 

 One of the words we would never want to hear.

 A moment when your eyes are full of tears, get a lump in your throat and your voice begins to break. Without knowing what to say, or think or how to act for that news, until the moment when that tears of sadness begin to fall off. 

  Your mind begins to full of questions…

  You start to ask you, “why? When will come back? And if doesn’t come back? What if something happens?” And infinity of questions can go through your mind. A moment in which you tend to close you, and don’t want to understand anything that happens. With the passing of the days you begin to understand that questions little by little, when you tend to calm down and think calmly.

  Everything begins to be a little easier.

 A little quiet, everything begins to look lighter and easier to assimilate, understanding that everything will be for a better future, a better progress, without thinking about the most difficult moment of all doesn’t arrive yet. Without knowing if your mind is joking with you, and that’s when the moment arrives. 

 Go to the moment when that person is in that starting point with all the suitcases and illusions to go.

 When that moment has arrived everything falls, your eyes are full of tears easily, your mind is blocked again and asks you “why?” but knowing that there isn’t return. And there is when you give that cuddle and say “God bless you, success, and everything you want you can achieve.” 


  I know that many people can identify with this hard and sad reflection, but always have to think about any decision that we take in our life is for better things, even knowing that those decisions could be bad, at the end it will leave us a teaching, and it will make you grow as an integral person, that it will help you to mature and take better decision in the future.

 I love my Venezuela, and I believe that all this will improve and be the country that we deserve, give value to her riches. Where all the people who are here and who have left will run into and achieve everything they want. 


 Emmanuel Cordero, student of Public Accounting.

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