LIFE - a short prose

This is short prose I wrote inspired by past and recent life events. Here goes. :)

Life is short, always remember that
For all you know you get one life
Enjoy it as much as possible
Never take love for granted
Own up to your mistakes
Be open minded
Even if you think they're wrong...
Listen to others
You might learn something
Don't make simple complex
Chose to be happy
Happiness is something you create
No one else can make you happy
Only you can chose happiness
FEEL your feelings
But not at another's expense
Take responsibility
Don't blame others
Love is free
Hate usually comes at a steep price
You can't truly love another if you don't love yourself
Be honest
Don't be fearful; be brave
Fear leads to anxiety
Free yourself of it to be happy
Be self reliant...
But don't be afraid of asking for help
Don't wallow in self pity over the past...
Today is a gift presented to you!
Don't let another dictate your life
Again,for all you know you get one life of which...
You don't know the ending yet
Make it a good life
Think about that

As always feel free to drop a comment below. I'd love to hear your thoughts on this and related content.

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