"Flower" (Photo 2)


Life is short; it's like a flower that blooms and withers away.
Ain't a bed of roses, the struggles, the failures, disappointments, etc. they're all definitely REAL and INEVITABLE,
but in those you'll discover the value and beauty of LIFE.
Someone said, "Failure is our greatest TEACHER."
I say, "That's true!"
To me FAILING doesn't mean I am not good enough, but rather I just haven't given the best I could.
Thus, another chance to do better the second time around, right?

In this LIFE, I may have countless regrets, but those don't stop me from becoming a beautiful flower even just for a little while; I'm excited and enjoying what this life has to offer because I have reasons for living.
So find your reason(s) for living, then it'd be worth it. ❤

Have a beautiful day/evening~

Don't let the flower withers for nothing, show it to others that they may appreciate it.

Note: Just for the record, I bad at making titles. T_T

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