What is The Path to Follow? Part 2 - The Mystery and Some Conclusions I’ve Arrived to on Why People Don’t Listen to Advice...

Hello Steemians, good day or good evening, hope you are all well

On this post I would like to continue what I promised on part 1 - What is the path to follow?

If you remember, I ended up calling this a mystery. The fact that people ask for advice, but don’t follow it anyways, even though they are away someone else has the right experience to guide them, they elect to walk on the stones.

Well, after many years doing this as a career I arrived to some conclusions to shed some light on this mystery.

Sadly we live now in a world where many of the values are being lost, and all values start with respect,, a word that we all use, but only to speak, not to act.

On top of that, the value that was lost is probably the idea of hierarchy, that is certainly connected to respect.

So there are many things we can say about people who don’t follow guidance from their tutors or mentors, and I will try to tackle them briefly.

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1- Pride

Prideful people, don’t accept help even when they ask for it. They want to solve the problems by their own means, even the ones the can’t because they lack the knowledge. I can guarantee that too much pride is a characteristic of a lot of people who never get anywhere in life. I never had an issue asking for help when I was in dire situations, and that was not diminishing, it was edifying.

2- Ego
We live in a world where the ego is too important. At least in my country I see the problem starting with the upbringing of children. Parents who are clueless and create these ideas on their kids calling them geniuses, and it becomes a competition too. When they go grow up, they find themselves thinking that they are better than the rest and that always brings problems. Along my journey I met many like this, and they always had a hard time. With an inflated ego comes pride too. I see this behavior a lot in generations between 15 and 40 these days.

A digression.- I’m a chairman for a company where the oldest partner is 87 years old, and I can tell you. What I’ve learned from his life experience is amazing, he’s always talked to me with respect and I listen. To me that is an expression of humility, because I recognize what experiences this person has in his head and have a deep admiration for him. I may be able to understand the tech better, but I don’t have all the other tools of life he has, so when he talks, I listen. This is what I meant by hierarchy.

Even when a not successful older businessman talks, is good to shutup and listen, because there are many things you can learn from them.

But when someone with success talks, you have to really shutup, and if you can have more ears do it. Because if you can learn it all, you should, and you will be grateful for years to come if you soak up that wisdom.

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But continuing with the mystery!

People are like this because they are too full of pride, and because of their ego, they are helpless against real life. A over inflated ego is truly tragic in the life of the people who have it, and it’s always going to hold them back.

I’ll give you an example that I’m sure you’ve experienced before.

You know when you are working there is always a person criticizing, finding defects with everything, even things that don’t make sense.

Let’s say you sell flowers and make arrangements. The arrangement is beautiful, the flowers are gorgeous and some random person shows up and says: “It’s no good, you need at least one more flower for it to be good” - very irritating.

Why would they open their mouth? It’s very simple, ego.

They want to be able to say it was their contribution that made the flower arrangement perfect, not yours. Get it?

I’m sure I will share many more stories of things I’ve lived, because I believe there is no better way to convey the message than sharing stories. They are legacy after all.

Remember: I would be grateful if you understood the importance of resteem these posts to build a community with a positive mindset. This is my greatest goal here and you who accompany me know! This is my greatest truth and I do with my heart. Many of these information that are useful to you may be important to other people who need information for your personal growth and that is the most important thing to achieve any goal in your life and remember: Give a upvote between you who take the time to comment and discuss constructively. This has happened here and I am very glad to see you helping each other.

A big hug to you all, until next time

FOLLOW - @chbartist

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