The Most Valuable Currency In The World (REL)...

We often equate currency to money, this of course is because in practice more often than not we are talking about the same thing. However, a long time ago I started to think of a type of currency that goes against the expected dictionary's definition.

On some of the chapters I've shared I've talked a lot about building your network, making the conscious choice of not only meeting people, shaking hands and all, but establishing good relationships with them. It can seem a bit tricky, especially because our immediate reaction to this idea is the fear of appearing fake, of pretending you want to be friends with everyone. That of course is not the case, everyone you meet can be a potential ally and there is nothing wrong with embracing the possibility.


Some thinkers refer to the idea as Social Currency, it's of course dictated by the way we interact with each other, the respect we have and appreciation for one another.

It's just a fact relationships open doors

This is not news to anyone, after all there are many popular sayings that allude to this truth. I've heard in more than one language something along the lines of.

"It's not only what you know, but who you know"

Some reject this idea, they think it distorts the ideal of concept of merit and I can understand the rejection, but it also discards the obvious fact that having good relationships, powerful allies in your life also has merit.

When I was still very young this idea clicked in my head very quickly. I've talked about this one some chapters and I intend to go a lot more into detail on future ones, but long story short my alliance with a bassist led to the opportunity to become member of a band who was later signed by Sony music.

It's important to understand of course that the relationships you may have are not a substitute for being prepared to seize the opportunities that may come up. It's actually more accurate to say that the people who can open the doors, will only do so if they believe that you are ready for it.

As I've said before respect is they key to everything and building your networking, building healthy relationships is not an exception to the rule. In the future I intend to touch up on more of these somewhat intangibles ideas I like to call currencies.

these intangible currencies, are the ones that will bring the "real" currencies to your wallet.

Remember - "The Most Valuable Currency in The World is (REL)" - @chbartist

Much success to you all

Follow - @chbartist

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