The Madness of Going Against the Current of the River...

Hello, dear Steemians!

The human society is always bound by reason and governed by a set of rules that determine the general norm of its members by indicating what they should think and how they should behave.

Generalization is always doomed to end in mediocrity, and that is what has happened to our worldwide society nowadays. Though if we were to trace back this problem, we could say that mankind has been afflicted with it ever since the dawn of every community that has ever existed.

In the storm of mediocrity that pulls everyone to its weakening grip and compels them to try and fit in with everybody else, it is not so simple an aspiration to search for originality and uniqueness.

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The mediocrity of the human society can be best compared to the current of a flowing river. The river rages on and on in a simple direction, casting aside those who would not conform to its laws of physics or follow its pattern of behavior.

The problem is, in every human society, there are people who cannot conform, and that is when they stand against the current of the river, resisting the pressure of becoming ordinary like everyone else around them.

Unique fates await unique people. In this case, these personalities tend to react to the world around them in three different ways.

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Some of them stand still against the raging current, witnessing all the other people go on with their lives. These people know that they are different, but do not know what to do with their uniqueness or how to react to a society that doesn’t seem to accept them.

The second type is the hopeful type. These people struggle and fight as hard as they can, and they swim against the current of the ocean.

They even manage to make a few paces, but they are eventually bound by the doom of living a life of struggle and not achieving anything particular with it, since they have not gone far from the place they were standing.

The third type are those who see themselves as revolutionary geniuses.

They know that they are against the current of the river.

They accept that fact and come to terms with their uniqueness.

They contemplate the fact that they don’t belong to certain groups of society.

These people do not stand still, nor do they struggle in the water.

These are the people who fly, and fly high, against the current that is engulfing everybody else.

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If you feel that you are different, if you feel that you have unique ideas and mindsets about how everything should be, do not second guess this gift that is given to you. Anyone can be ordinary.

To be mad enough to dream impossible dreams is what always drives mankind forward. When a truth is first stated, everybody laughs. After a while, they begin to hate the truth and show hostility to those who bear the truth.

Eventually, they begin to understand the truth and embrace it.

This is the same with unique people with a certain madness in their minds.

Do not be afraid of standing against the current of the river of life!


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