Breaking Paradigms Chapter 6 - Be Prepared Because the Future is Already the Past....

Hi Steemians, how are you?

In this post I'll write a little about some paradigms that I had to live with but I never cared about it because from a very young age I already knew what I wanted for my life.

I am certainly a paradigm-stone breaker because I had to break many of them along my journey. Specifically in this post I would like to talk about one that was very challenging for me.

When I founded my technology company about two decades ago I decided that I would not have employees, I just had a private secretary to answer phone calls, organize my schedule, go to the bank, make coffee, among other things. She was like a person does everything.

I already saw the world was already undergoing a major change and the end of jobs because the technology was advancing too fast.

Instead of employees I decided to have a team of developers and provide them with the opportunity to work in their homes.

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Many entrepreneurs who were my friends said that I was completely crazy because they said that people would not work and I would destroy my reputation because my friends' opinions would delay my projects and that I would risk that many projects would not be completed because everything would be a disorganization!

I've listened to this for a few years but I've been finding the right people and they had the right profile to be able to work from home, it does not make sense to spend hours in traffic, have a big office, invest in dozens of computers that are like scraps not worth nothing in a year, among many things that in my view were not seen by me as progress, on the contrary, were like going back to the past and also the time saved to produce giving freedom for my team to produce at home.

My team didn't have a specific time to work, each of them worked at a time that they thought was more productive and would be fine since they delivered the modules on the exact date determined by the chief developer.

I had difficulty finding the right people for WFH, I had to change many times some developers because they were still prisoners of the paradigms of going to the offices but with patience I got a spectacular team and these people have worked for 15 years with me.

I could see yours children's growth and they too ... LOL and we build a family of people who trust each other.

At present the businessmen who are my friends and now agree with me are still prisoners of the same paradigms until the present day even though they recognize that the business model that I structured is much more efficient for a thousand reasons.

To the present day this team is united, committed to work and everyone has become very successful financially.

Ask any of them if they want to be employed? You will receive NO! in response.

The message that I would like to convey in this post to all of you is that we are already starting to quit jobs and in a few years there will only be jobs left that really need the hand of man and their wages will be terrible because technology is overwhelming and we need to think beyond our time and forget the paradigms.

Be Prepared Because the Future is Already the Past! - @chbartist

Remember: I would be grateful if you understood the importance of resteem these posts to build a community with a positive mindset. This is my greatest goal here and you who accompany me know! This is my greatest truth and I do with my heart. Many of these information that are useful to you may be important to other people who need information for your personal growth and that is the most important thing to achieve any goal in your life and remember: Give a upvote between you who take the time to comment and discuss constructively. This has happened here and I am very glad to see you helping each other.



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