Did any other Steemians out there have their parents do this to them??? DOUBLE TROUBLE

The horror, THE HORROR!

For years I had to suffer the indignity of my folks putting my sister and I in matching outfits! Holly, my younger sister, looking infinitely cuter than me in each one!

Double trouble. My sister looking a million miles more comfortable than me. My sister even has the "pineapple" hair do to match the dress print.


Me, unamused, snaggle tooth out, throttling Bambi as Holly smiles sweetly for the picture


Okay, these t-shirts were pretty amazing. I'd still wear this now. Holly, effortless, as I concentrate like I'm trying to solve an impossible puzzle.


Indoctrinated by the Juggalos from a young age

Baby clowns.jpg

I'll just take this time to say my parents are wonderful as is my sister Holly

I am interested to know, how many Steemians out there got dressed in the same clothes as their siblings?

Thanks Steemit!

Charlotte :)

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