Old friends

Im pulling into town. My old town. My stomping grounds and reach for my phone.
I text my bestfriend from eons ago and tell her simply "I'm in town."
I get a message back
"I was just going to text you and ask why I have been thinking about you obsessively for the last hour."
I havent spoken to her since I jumped off the faith cliff. Im now asking myself if she was aware by some strange cognition that I'm close or if she could actually sense the nagging uncomfortable feeling I've had since taking my leap.
There are days when I think I have lost my mind and she reminds me that sometimes the growing process feels like that. You do lose your "old" mind to make room for expansion. You have to lose the old thought processes so that you can replace them with thoughts that serve your new life.
Needlesss to say today my mind is blown. I always knew we were connected, however, in the expansion and growth of my life Im learning just what it means to have someone who totally gets it. Who understands what I mean when I say "I'm losing my mind!" <3

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