What will tomorrow bring?

2016-11-05 17.58.46.jpg

What will tomorrow bring
What kind of song will we sing
Let's not waste away
The light of another day

For it might be
Our last breath
Falling out
Of resonance

Breath deeply
Live fully
Love mindfully

Pain might come
You can't hide
It's nothing to fear

Maybe just live and be
And do what your heart feels
Listen to your inner voice

Don't sacrifice today
On the alter of tomorrow

Look upward
Wait a moment
Watch the clouds
Touch the wind
Hear the sounds
Embrace the smells
Feel the light

And if it be rainy
Wait a day or two
Weather shall change
As all things do
Given time to

And maybe just maybe
We'll see another sunrise
And another sunset

And maybe just maybe
We'll see another sunrise
And another sunset

And maybe just maybe
We'll see another sunrise
And another sunset

Maybe just maybe...

Original words and image by @chagerbe

~We are free to be~

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