Personal constitution and of the life mission.

About a year ago, reading The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People, I prepared my life credo and my life roles. I read it regularly for several months and tried to stick to it. However, after some time I put my notebook somewhere between books and I came back to it less and less often.
Today, I will publish exactly what I wrote then. Today I would want to change some of that statements, but for now, I will write exactly what I wrote last year. I want to come back and update it from time to time. I know that the credo should remain unchanged for life. But it's really hard to sit down once and set your life goals and values for forever.

Declaration of the life mission or credo.

Credo is based on who I want to be (character) and what I want to do (contribution and achievements). This is the basis for making important life decisions and a base for everyday decisions, taken in the midst of emotions and circumstances.

  1. I do my job well, which I like and price, otherwise I change it as soon as possible.
  2. I am a good son, friend, and human.
  3. I'm honest, I'm not cheating.
  4. I remember others and help them as much as possible.
  5. Listens to both parties before I make a judgment. I listen or read first. I'm not naive.
  6. I use the experience of others and ask them for advice.
  7. I defend absent people and I do not judge them.
  8. I am polite but firm. I will not be fooled.
  9. I learn new things and skills. Each day, week and month I learn something new.
  10. Every day trying new things.
  11. Three times a year I visit a new country.
  12. I try a new sport twice a year.
  13. I plan today what I will do tomorrow. Plans a week.
  14. I am accelerating matters when I am waiting, I am never bored.
  15. Maintains a positive attitude. I am always smiling and cheerful.
  16. I have a sense of humor. And I know how and when to use it.
  17. I lead a healthy lifestyle, I exercise regularly.
  18. I am well organized and care about the order at home and at work.
  19. I am not afraid of making mistakes.I draw conclusions from them.
  20. I learn foreign languages as much as I can. I meet foreign cultures and customs.
  21. I keep the word given to myself and others.
  22. I listen twice as much as I speak.
  23. Concentrates all my possibilities and efforts on the current task.
  24. I am a good and honest partner, share emotions and thoughts.
  25. I plan and set goals, short and long-term and then implement them.
  26. I do not waste time on things that are not important and those that I can not influence.
  27. I Control emotions
  28. It maintains a balance between concentration on the partner, family, money, work, possessions, pleasures, church and on myself.
  29. I care about what we eat, read and do.
  30. I gain knowledge and skills. At the same time, I am working hard on good habits.
  31. I respect the rights and obligations that rest with me. I am a conscious man.
  32. I show initiative, I do not wait for someone else to do something for me. I take advantage of the opportunity.
  33. As a last resort, I can adapt to the situation.
  34. I avoid addictions and destructive habits. I work on habits that will help me develop and live better.
  35. I sleep properly and get up early in the morning.
  36. I am the master of my money. I spend less than I earn, regularly postponing and investing some of my earnings.
  37. I strive for financial independence.
  38. I give a good example to others.

This is my personal Constitution. It is immutable and does not depend on the circumstances. According to it, I evaluate and value everything else. It is based on the right rules and assumptions. It is the foundation of my security and development.

Have you ever tried to create something similar? Your own internal constitution?
Let me know what you think about it and take care!

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