Diary of A Butod Girl

Today, during English class, my teacher teaches us how to do a poem. She told us that poem is a piece of writing in which the words are chosen for their beauty and sound, and are carefully arranged. She added on that it’s often in short lines which rhyme. After many explanations and many questions from the students, she asked us to make a poem. Heck, I don’t even know what to write but my teacher gives some clues what to write. She told us to write about ourselves, what we like or whatever beautiful words that come to our mind. Here’s what I wrote… Its sounds kinda Rap singer song lyric…LOL.

Cheryl is my name,
Hundred percent unique,
Enormous love for BTS,
Right-handed person,

Being so high, Up in the sky,
The beautiful wings,
The colourful clouds,
Euphoria lingering around me,
Right here, right now,
Fluttering my wings,
Like a butterfly,
You are the cause of my euphoria,

See you there, Under the tree,
Taking cover from the sun,
My cover is the clouds,
Everyone is sweating,
Running from the heat.

Okay, that's all for now. Need to go to my class..

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