I have a Motto for Life

I have a motto. I have two actually.

The first one my sister told me before she passed away. I asked her for advice and she said "NEVER LET FEAR STOP YOU FROM DOING SOMETHING YOU REALLY WANT TO DO."

Those words changed my life. I wouldn't be doing what I'm doing today if it weren't for her final words to me.

The second motto is my own realization - "UNLESS YOU'RE BOOTS UP, IT AIN'T OVER" (I'm writing a song about that very subject.)

So many of us give up (I did) because we think we're past our expiration date. Well. We're not. At our funeral, we are. But until then, we still have things to do. Stories to tell. Dreams to follow. New things to learn. And if you're afraid? Heed the words of my beautiful sister and you'll be fine.

So please, don't the sun set on your dreams because you think life has passed you by. Get out there. We need you!26171968_1753292291361157_1044382750828143985_o.jpg

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