Home notes

Spent today my friend Nastya on the train, returned home and it became very boring, but it will pass. And Nastya did not leave for good.
But in fact, I can find beauty in some everyday moments, when I look at only the awakened cat, who screams and spins around its axis until I bury it in my belly nose and kiss the adorable forehead. When I get out of the subway, I have music in my ears, from which I seem to be a spring. When I wear a red dress, loose hair, a beautiful manicure. When I come home, turn on the tablet, and there messages from my friends. When the evening appears P. with his constant tenderness. When I sit down for learning German and dig in the jungle of grammar. When I draw stupid almost childish pictures. When I make a cup of coffee in the morning. When I write stupid notes everywhere. When you click and feel the flow of life so clearly, so clearly, you are filled with harmony and tranquility. Even when I'm sick and I'm singing "505" or something worse, even then I'm grateful that I have it all. I just know that now I have to wait for what is now a time-off, that now is the best time to grow, to change, to once again realize something and plan something.
It's time for me to grow up, otherwise I will not go far. But now I have become bolder in my desires and dreams. And this is the most important thing, otherwise nothing will come.


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