Life lessons challenge | A Greatest And Ultimate Lesson I learned In My Life - How to Achieve Your Goals


The greatest and most profound lesson I learned in my life on my CA result day, I remember It was Tuesday and the date was may be 21st Or 24th January 2016. I was really anxious about my result as it was 2nd attempt in clearing IPCC, I had already failed my 1st attempt due to the poor performance in the theory part of the paper (I was never good with theory and It certainly didn't helped when my idiotic teacher thought it was a good idea to take 3 months just before the exams and I had to do all the theory myself 😤), I feared that I would again fail my exams.

The result arrived at 5 pm in evening, as feared I had again failed my exams. At first I thought it was just a dream and I will wake up in few moments, but nothing happened and I realized I really failed my exams, I really don't remember whether I cried or not, but one thing was certain I was really disappointed and depressed with myself. Disappointed - because I still failed because of theory portion and Depressed - because in my entire point of life I have never failed once, let alone twice, I was always a top student in school. That time I decided to give up on CA and focus my other commitments - graduation and actuary, to avoid the shame of failing again.

In order to cope up with the hurt, I decided to watch the TV. As I was browsing through the channels I come across a new program on "History TV 18 - Selection" (For more Information - In the program 30 men and women with no military background placed through the most intense physical and mental challenge of their lives, there is no cash reward, only a test against oneself to see if the mind has the will and strength to push the body to complete the challenges. I found It interesting, even though I don't know whether it was real or not.

I had already missed few episodes so I didn't know which episode I was watching, but what keeps me interested in the show was the spirit and dedication of challenger - as In one instructor asked the challenger to do situps, now you must be thinking what's difficult in this task, I can too do situps, but my friends the difficulty is not in doing situps but in its number - they had to do 2500 situps without stopping, I too can only do may be 30-40 situps and that too in interval of 20. I was really surprised when task was announced and thought that the task was impossible and they would all fail, but too my surprise they really done all the situps without break 👏. I was really amazed by their dedication and spirit as they weren't getting any prize for their performance, so they don't have any expectation or goal to win, but even then they still completed the task.

This task was my first lesson that "Only through dedication and hard work one can successful", but my second and ultimate lesson comes from the other task of the show this change my whole outlook on life. In the second they were asked to do a 20 or 30 mile hike carrying at least 30 or 40 pounds of weight, in that challenge there was a challenger who was very weak as compared to the others, but his spirit and dedication was greater than any challenger as he completed the whole task with his injured leg (his leg was injured before the task). After the task the instructors called each challenger and asked questions to them - about their purpose, goal, dreams etc. They also tried to manipulate each contestants into quitting the show, but what really changed my outlook was the answer of that injured challenger.

When instructors asked him about his purpose and why he still chose to do the task despite the injury - he said he wants to prove himself and he knew that if he give up on the task then, he would have to quit the show and that he didn't wanted. They even tried to manipulate him into quitting the by insulting him saying he is the weakest contestant among others, and instead of quitting later he should now so as to avoid the failure and pain later. His answer was - "I know that I'm the weakest one here and It is very difficult for me complete the task, but even if you all insult me, think that I will quit later, know this I will never ever quit as I'm not a quiter and will prove myself to others". This statement and his performance the task was my second lesson that - "Only by having a confident and Never quit attitude one can reach his goal" - like he reached his goal of completing the task despite his injured leg and proving everyone that he too can give other contestant challenge.

Now after combining both the lessons I get my Profound and Ultimate - "Hardwork and dedication can allow a person to be successful but by only having a confident and never quit attitude one can reach his final goal". After realizing this I changed my decision of dropping the CA, and once again gave the exams, but this time something was different I was more confident and positive, and the final result was that I cleared my IPCC Group-1 in 3rd attempt. After clearing the group I still had to drop CA - not because I was afraid of failure but because I couldn't handle the work load of 3 different courses - my graduation (, actuary and CA.

Whenever, I feel depressed I listen to this song, it is one of my favorite and the most inspirational song I have ever heard. This song was sung by Miley Cyrus, was probably the best song she ever sung (along with few other). The song name is "The Climb"

This song always lifts my spirits whenever I'm feeling down, it is because of this song and my ultimate lesson I'm still on steemit despite my low reputation and no reward position, as I truly believe that one day I too will reach my goal - of becoming a whale, and when I reached that these all my struggles will be the beautiful moments that I will love to tell others about.

Last but not least, I want to say that don't be afraid of failure and treat failure as your greatest strengths as only because failure we have gotten some amazing talents in different field like

  1. J.K. Rowling - The author of third highest selling book was rejected 10 times by different publishers for her book "Harry Potter and the sorcerer's stone".
  2. Stephen Spielberg - The legendary director and founder of New Hollywood was rejected three times by the acting and filming colleges.

There are also quite a few more amazing people who have taken the failure as strength and achieved great success.


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