
In our everyday life we face challenges. Some people seem to meet every challenge with confidence, while others struggle to overcome them.


Here are some tips to help you face challenges:

Face that obstacle because most people spend time looking for a way around the issue or how to shy away from it and this doesn't make it go away.

Be present because once you make it a practice of facing your challenges (even in failure) with full presence and awareness, you will find most challenges are not challenges at all.

Look to your self for solution, because others can help you arrive at your own understanding, but no one ever solves your problems for you.

Get more informations, especially now that you know about what the facts of the situation and what you have available to you, you can start finding information that can help you.

know your self because challenges are spikes in that imaginary limitation barrier that guide you to awareness. With your potential, you can turn a mountain of a challenge into a speck of dust.

Detach from the outcome and dont over stress it, because once you attach emotions to the problem, it has power over you.


Thus, Challenges can be so daring especially when you have to face them alone. I remember one of my best musician (T.I) said in his song (No matter what) every obstacle making possible possible. What this mean is most times challenges can be opportunities or gifts in disguise.

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Be bold and face them all

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