Went to church and well yeah



Steemians when is the last time you went to church, and upon walking in saw the unexpected?




Yeah.. thats right to those of you who follow me you might recall a few weeks a go I spoke briefly on trying to introduce my kids to church so that way they could make up their own minds on the religion subjext and if they want to take part in it or not. Well as I walked into the next church I wanted to check out, I was welcomed by the things you see in my video. This will be the 3rd church I take them to, it is a nondenominational church that welcomes anyone and everyone. Now after a few weeks of attempting this small mission I'm still stuck at a crossroad since I myself know very little on the subject I figured why not go to a few different ones and then allow them to decide or at least give them some form of say so in the matter, what I've begun to do is check out the church on my off week and then when they come gome take them though it seems to be working I believe my 6 year old son Logan is the only one out of the 3 that actually cares to go and attend the others do it because they beourve I'd be upset with them in which case if they express they werent interested I wouldnt make them go after having gone 3 times now I feel while it may not be enough for them to make an actual decision I'd still respect their wishes. Either or I decided yesterday that I would share this brief experience. If you know about church and religion feel free to let me know your thoughts or recommendations as I'm always open to things that I don't know much on.


The header image of this post contains an image that can be found on pinterest under 2115 best Laughing in Church images on Pinterest | Church humor
To all of you who have taken time to check out my video and post I appreciate it, i wish you all the best and stay safe.

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