My life is About to Change...and I Can't Wait for it to Happen 😍😍

She is coming...the 9 month are almost coming to an end.
I have to admit It have passed much faster than I expected.

I am talking about my first baby girl, she is about to pop out of her mom's belly into this world, in the next few days (give it or take).

As you can imagine, it all started 9 month ago, me and Suzy (my partner in life) decided that perhaps it is time for us to share out busy life with someone new, with a creation of our own, to bring a baby to this crazy world.

And although we werent ready in the exact moment that it happened, as 3 days after we discovered that we going to be parents, we were planned to flight to one of the biggest electronic music festivals in Europe, called Ozora Festival (we had tickets and all), but in the general sense we felt that we are ready :)

The first few month were a bit challenging, but after about four month I felt as was as ready as I can be...that the rest of the 5 month are just a biological mistake :)

But now after those 5 additional month have passed and we are really coming closer every day, I must admit that I think it is not a biological mistake at all, it is the perfect time for us as future parents to prepare.

I feel like something major been changing in me in those 9 month, some dormant feelings and instincts have been slowly awakening...

I am no sure how it all will manifest, but now know that I don’t know everything, there is still much to learn to be a great father, but I do know now, is that I am going to be the best father I can be.

So I just wanted to share my excitement...we are counting days by now, the nursery is all ready and prepared, the grandma already bought tons of cute baby shoes....In no time my life will turn around 180 degrees...and I can’t wait for it to happen :)

Thank you Steemit for being a great platform for me to share my thought and ideas and thank you amazing steemians, for commenting and sharing your love with me, it is truly appreciated!

But most of all Thank you my Dear Suzy, for caring my child for 9 month, and thank you for being my best friend and a amazing partner, both in life and in business!
I know you going to be an amazing Mother!

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