Saving our animals from Acidosis, Anemia and parasitism

The campaign to save the Andean Farms of the Mucuy Community in Mérida Venezuela was an initiative that took shape after years of providing and receiving support from neighboring farmers. So far we have agglutinated 5 farms with whom we produce together pigs, chickens, sheep, goats, rabbits and vegetables, thanks to it not only our families are fed, but also the neighbors. In fact, there is now the local market that was born in Tabay, oriented towards the supply of the town. As a consequence of the low prices offered, today our products supply an important part of the population of Mérida. Those who travel to Tabay to buy at producer prices. An emblematic case has been the potato that while in the Tabay market we sell it at 15 thousand Bs, in Merida it fluctuates around 60 thousand ... In addition to this the cash crisis in Venezuela has induced us to barter which is much more feasible among neighbors ...

Now, the farms are self-sufficient of vegetables and fruits, more in the matter of proteins our production is insufficient. The raising of animals requires the provision of food supplements, which increased by 2000% since November 2017. Today a sack of feed for pigs, sheep or goats reaches an amount of 2,000,000 Bs. In fact our animals are fed Primarily forage based on elephant grass and arnica, however, they require receiving concentrated feed that supplements the vitamins and minerals necessary to prevent cases of acidosis and hypoglycemia in pregnant and lactating females. On the other hand medications such as iron dextran, levamizol, antibiotics, metronidazole, lepecid among others are not found or their prices exceed 1500000 Bs.

The source of protein for our families' food comes from the animals we raise, so we are promoting the campaign called "Save the Andean Farms of the Mucuy", so dear friends, I invite you to collaborate with our cause. Soon pigs and lambs will be born and the only way to raise them is with the help of our friends worldwide.

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