Why do I write?: My reason

Today I will talk a little about the what of what I write in Steemit.

While it is known that everyone in steemit has a topic that develops better. It is true, there are many people who write about various topics, called random calls.

Personally, I consider something random, but I'm a little more focused on getting the best out of yourself, that everything comes to the street and that circumstances do not matter at the time of success.

But why?

I write this kind of things because I like and I am passionate, so much so that in the future I will be the author of books and steemit helps me develop. Another thing that I have very clear is that I like to help others. I love coaching, in the future I will be a huge coach, I love just imagining it. I want to be a great coach like Daniel Habif, Fausto Gutiérrez and several that I like. Those people who transmit an enormous energy when speaking and make you want to eat the world.

Daniel Habif

When I write, what I do is try to send a positive message to people. I like to do it, that's why I'm a coach. What I write are things that have happened to me or that are happening to me that could happen to anyone.

Fausto Gutierrez


I'm not writing to write. To write first I must feel it and then translate it into words. It does not work out like that. It usually flows only, but it has come to me that inspiration comes to me on a bus or when I am on the street and everything is going.

Lately I use a notebook that I always carry, where I write when I get the inspiration so that I do not forget later.

Inspiration can reach me anywhere, under any situation, it's like that.

How did I start?

Since I decided to start, I had to read ... and quite a lot. These books have been a fundamental basis. I have nurtured a lot about success stories and anecdotes. I have read a lot of books and why not have mine? But I could not start writing a book, I had to start with something smaller.

Then came steemit.

Steemit fell like a glove. Although at the beginning it was not very good I have been improving. I feel more confident than I write and every time things flow better. At first my posts were quite mechanical and it was a martyrdom to write one.

Now I enjoy doing it and editing it.

What do I want to convey?

Positive messages That you realize that nobody takes away your light, light you take it from you. About that are my post.

Although I write about entrepreneurship issues, the spiritual is also important because it is what we are inside and how it is inside is outside. It's very simple.

If inside you are bad, on the outside it will be the same.

I try to be very clear in what I say and not fail. Sometimes I miss words but it's something I try to control.


A great writer of books. A giant coach who helps many people with their words and their books. That my books are oriented to what the human being can become and how to exploit it. About being a creator, about living and not surviving. That is my vision.

Every night I close my eyes and see all this becoming reality, it's gasoline for me.
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