Face it


Facing means going head-on against everything. Put the chest to the bullets, without fear. To have a purpose that is so great that it makes you go head-on against everything and achieve it, close your eyes and visualize it already done, so much so that you go for that, that is, to face.


It's easy to hide and run away from everything, stay in your comfort zone. In the comfort zone you are relaxed and have no problems there, unfortunately there I do not know how to meet the goals. We are afraid to face. They have never taught us to go head-on, they have taught us to be in our comfort zone.

When I say to you that you are facing, I mean to go head-to-head with that which gives you fear, that scares you and that you have not yet achieved because of fear of what might happen.

"Be mistaken for daring and not for precaution, That is worth the risk and not the penalty" Daniel Habif.

To be mistaken for daring does not have anything of bad, but to be mistaken by caution will cause remorses in you, at least in me it does it.


If you have a goal or a very big dream that has not been fulfilled, perhaps it is why you have not faced, why you have lacked conscience, or discipline. The truth is that as soon as you decide and go straight ahead you will see great changes.

I hope my post has helped you and YOU DECIDE TO FACE IT .

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