The Dangerous Excessive Consumerism!

Who has not dreamed of having a lot of money, go shopping and have the best and everything that is fashionable ?. There are those who are even 16 years old and carry credit cards without limit and others that having a limit usually exceed it.

And it is that need, as if you constantly need something, this is what we call an infinite process of consumerism. This is mainly the case of young teenagers who feel the need to be fashionable, the problem usually begins while they are in high school, they want to dress in style and this interest grows into a huge monster that forces them to spend all their Money, even to that of their parents, in clothing, footwear, jewelry and perfumes mainly.

At this moment we live immersed in a society of excessive consumption and this problem little by little is becoming an addiction. When they go shopping usually feel that they never have enough, you always need that new thing you see at the counter, at that time even if it does not fit you at all it will seem perfect, because you want to have it.

In the world we currently live in, marketing is causing us to make consumption excessively large and unnecessary many times.

But why do we turn to consumption to be happy? How can we avoid it? How do we avoid unnecessary consumption of products?
Perhaps it is rather an emotional problem, many times when we acquire an object or a garment we long for the emotion that accompanies the arrival of this, but not that of the object in reality.

Consuming brings us a temporary happiness that lasts only until we realize that this object does not have the capacity to give us that emotion that we used to associate with its presence. And just when we feel that we are no longer satisfied, we feel the compulsive need to continue to consume once more and thus create an ever-increasing addictive cycle.

But it is in ourselves to cut off this cycle and put an end to it. Perhaps accepting and managing our own emotions will help us to stop. Let us ask ourselves if we really need that which we long for, if the worth it is worth, and if we could remain ourselves without this object.

Unfortunately this is a problem that is growing every time, and in a way we are all involved in this hurricane of the new era called CONSUMERS.

I just have to say that: Let's live happier with less!
Happy Day!

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