Jimmy Hendrix - Soul Power

Evening Steemian Soliders,

There's a lot of incredible music out there. Everyone knows who Jimmy Hendrix is and that he is one of the best musicians/guitarists of all time, but do you really know Jimmy's music? I thought I did, until my friend showed me this set.

  • Live at The Filmore East 12/31/1969 (First Show)
    I finally took the time to listen to Jimmy and not pretend like I knew his music well..and I'm so grateful I did.

Power of Soul and Hear My Train A Comin' are my favorites. I can hear Jimmy speaking and crying through his riffs. I can feel his passion and his emotions through his lyrics and vibrations. This music works for any time and any place in my opinion.

Ugh, I just realized that this playlist doesn't have all the songs. Freakin YouTube. I have been listening to it on Spotify though, it's all there.

Rock on Steemit, and know that with the power of soul..anything is possible!
Captain Pearson

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