I'm a loser!

As you know I have been using the bible lately to try and guilt people into giving me money! All while I sit on my fat, racist ass and hurl insults and perverted comments at those I'm trying to fool!

It's not working out too well for me! (sadpandaface)

I got myself arrested a few months back while pretending I was king of a Circle K parking lot. The female manager of the Circle K was not amused and called the cops (I hate women) I then refused to identify myself to the investigating officer, he was not amused either!

So anyway, it looks like I've flushed my life down the toilet all because I deluded myself into thinking I'm a king who doesn't need to be bothered with employment. Its also the fault of those who enabled me by feeding my delusions instead of practicing tough-love and forcing me to support myself! Gee, thanks guys!
Rosie, Mr X (SmoothOperator) Marion Zapart and Drory Nadav are my biggest enablers Wooooo!

Marion Zapart taught me how to use the bible to bring in the suckers! $$

I will post further updates on my life, the life of the Assyrian King! Woooooo!

I'm going to drink a nice tall glass of hot dumpster seepage now! Seeya

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