It's been too long since my last post. Recently I have been reading a lot.
One of the books that stands out the most to me is none other than this book:
"THE 10 PILLARS OF WEALTH" by Alex Becker.

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Highly recommended for people who wants a different mindset when it comes to wealth building.
I have yet to reach the level of Alex Becker but it still challenged me to rethink a lot of my old ways looking at wealth, and that's good enough to me.

First of all, love him or hate him, some thinks that he's arrogant, but Alex Becker is one of the well known digital trainer/coach out there.
I would consider him as part of the greats alongside with Russell Brunson, Ryan Deiss and Eben Pagan, but I am still very new to all these.
Alex Becker has his own youtube channel where he rants about things and sometimes giving great advices.

Here are some of my reflections in regard to the 10 pillars that he wrote on wealth.

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Well, let's get started...


He wrote:
“As long as all those things work out exactly in your favor, you will be a sorta millionaire thirty years from now. No matter how hard you work, how much money you save, or how educated you become,
[BUT] there is always a chance that the tide will come in and knock over that financial sandcastle that you have been building for thirty years. Even worse, the more time you spend building your retirement nest, the higher the chance that it will get wiped out by one of the setbacks I listed. It’s common sense that the longer it takes to build something, the more likely something will go wrong simply due to the amount of time spent building it.”

Excerpt From: Alex Becker. “The 10 Pillars of Wealth: Mind-Sets of the World's Richest People” iBooks.

He wrote a lot on how when we were young, we were taught slow and steady is the best way to be. We are to save penny by penny, dollar by dollar and let it increase.
But the problem is when we reach an old age, can we really guarantee that nothing bad would happen to us?
What about our health? Do we still have the energy to use our wealth to pursue our passion?

If we made a financial mistake after 30 years later, it is certainly difficult to be as agile as we were when we are much younger.
He is suggesting agility and quickly instead of growing it slowly.
When you are older, options are lesser regardless of how much you have, you are restricted in certain ways, it is not bad, but it is a different challenge.

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He was challenging us to believe that it is actually possible to build up wealth way faster than what we were taught.
Honestly, I believe him as this chapter also motivated me to be more cautious in how I treat and view wealth, life and time; and also to be very careful in my spending and expenses.

But it is the mindset, that we shouldn't be just waiting by entrusting our future to others especially our bosses and the government to take care of us, but to intentionally work our way to a place to freedom even right now.
This means to hustle like never before, because doing it quickly is very dangerous.
BUT, it could also be the safest approach to build wealth if we look back from hindsight years later.


Can what we do right now be freed from the constraints of time?

I would consider myself as a person who is gifted in giving service to people, especially when it comes to music, or communications, or even taking on a project.
I managed teams, people and developed young leaders in the past, but it does take a lot of time.
Not that I am grumbling about it, but the reality is, it does take a lot of energy and time.

The problem with all these is that things required my time in order to go on smoothly.
So, if my presence and time is not spent on that project, that project will either be neglected or unprofitable.

This is not good, it made us very indispensable, and as long as I need to acquire wealth and solve problems with large quantity of time, my time will not be able to be spent on figuring new ways and ideas to solve other more problems, because I am already bound by the time required to finish a work.

“Time is the only thing you can never generate more of, and every human has the exact same amount of in a day. To become wealthy, you have to learn how to generate more time by hiring people.”

Excerpt From: Alex Becker. “The 10 Pillars of Wealth: Mind-Sets of the World's Richest People” iBooks.

I remember talking to an entrepreneur last year, he told me of the reason why many gifted and talented people couldn't achieve what he is achieving today, like opening more and more businesses.
It is BECAUSE they are naturally very talented in many times, therefore there are a lot of things these talented people want to do it themselves instead of hiring people to do it and paying others handsomely to do the work for them.

OVER TALENTED people with many GIFTS could put themselves in a limiting place because they want to DO IT THEMSELVES and in turn it cost them A LOT OF TIME!

I see that in me too, I feel that I wanted things to be done a certain way, therefore I have decided to do everything myself instead of paying or hiring someone else to do it so that I could save the time to focus on the most important things.

I would even say, IT'S NOT A BAD THING TO BE HIRED TO DO THINGS TOO, not all millionaires are self employed or own businesses.
Many of them work for somebody.


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Pretty straight forward, do you actually think that you are the best at what you do?
He is not saying that we should be puffed up with pride and assume that we are of the Lebron James or Ronaldo breed.
But rather the question is:
"Do we internally have the confident to believe that who we really are is the best and do we believe that we have potential to become _____?"

Do you still feel insecure or question your own self worth?
Because I do, many times!
It's not that people have labelled me as average, but I was my biggest critic way before anyone could criticize me.
All this while, I was my WORST CRITIC!

But in order to be wealthy, we really need to get to a place where we honestly think that we are very good at what we are doing.
Yes, even if we are not good enough, GET BETTER, and keep believing.

He wrote,

Excerpt From: Alex Becker. “The 10 Pillars of Wealth: Mind-Sets of the World's Richest People” iBooks.

Stay tuned for PART 2.

Do buy the book, I would recommend getting the audiobook version, you can read it with your ears. Click here to check it out

credit to @zomagic

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