A Path to Being #1: The Journey Has Re-Begun


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When I wrote my first blog, I wanted to take a journey to find inner peace in order to discover a way to achieve a more purposeful existence. I touched upon Taoism, Zen, and looking for ways to quiet the mind.

I thought that once I posted my first article, it would be easy for me to explore different paths toward a peaceful existence. I got so caught up in Steemit, trying to make positive comments on other peoples' blogs and upvoting, that I began to get overwhelmed with the mounting pressure of trying to keep up.

There were too many posts, and a lot didn't have quality and effort put into them. I guess it saddened me, thinking that what was posted by many, was only to make a profit. This is not to say the same for everyone who does try their best and those special ones that I follow, who put every effort into what they share.

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Then I had several Steemit posters who asked me why I didn't write. One poster wrote, " I have a question as to why you never write, I think you would do really well, you always have such uplifting comments:)." That comment and a few others really impacted me and I had to stop and think, why can't I write.

I realized that the pressure I was feeling from Steemit was my own created pressure put onto myself. This pressure really stopped my ability to move forward until I decided I needed a change in my journey's goal. Instead of focusing on the larger category about finding inner peace, it would serve me best to first find myself. So my redirected journey will be focusing on my own being.

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So my new journey will be called, "A Path To Being", where I will attempt to explore my inner self and try to find out who I am inside and not be defined by labels such as a mother, a friend, a helper, etc. I need to explore my own vision, goals, and beliefs beyond what these identities impose on me.

I am responsible and accountable for my own life so I need to start now. The journey will attempt to unpeel and unravel all the layers put upon my inner being. Hopefully through this process, I will be able to reach self-awareness.

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