Heyya there.....the quote you are about to read is the birth child of watching countless blockbuster movies over the years. In evaluating movies where the antagonist is giving the protagonist a hard time of strive and kills, I wrote this quote down as a rule, a guide, to better chances of survival per careful observation. Here's how it makes sense to me. When you pull out a gun on those you are at war with it produces bad energy and they view you then more than ever as a potential threat, one that should be eliminated on the next chance they get. That's why when you pull out the gun to threaten them you should follow through with the threat and pull the trigger, in order to save yourself. That trigger must be pulled fast so as to prevent any sneak attacks whiles you're about your business. However if you do not mean to start a war don't pull out your weapon then; talk things over and stay safe. Now my little brother of twelve years had this to say in explaining the quote when I asked of his opinion: if you are hunting and you pull out you gun to shoot the animal you have targeted it would run when it spots you and your weapon trained on it. Therefore if you do not mean to shoot hide the gun till you are ready. In the same understanding he said that when you pull out the gun then shoot fast in order to avoid scaring prey away. To be honest I had not analysed the quote from the angle of a hunter so his words were more or less an exposition.
Looking back on it, it dawned on me that the understanding it presents cuts across a wide spectrum in life. Until one is ready to champion a course through to the end its rather not prudent to stir it up. I reflected on this today when I was faced with a major decision and it helped me out. Of course as a rule or guide there are exceptions to this quote and I'm well aware of them. Anyways this is the quote;

If you are not going to shoot, don't pull out the gun;
But when you pull out the gun, shoot fast.

Original quote by me @bwoy-Idea
Image source pinterest.com

Feel free to let me know what you think would be some exceptions to this quote :)....peace out

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