The Changing of the Seasons

I tend to write a lot about Cryptocurrency as it pertains to my personal experiences. Trying hard to give sound lessons to new people in the space and this will be no exception. I would like to spend a few minutes to talk about how the changes in my life are almost like a fluctuation of the markets, and all I can do is my research and hang on for the ride.

Tough Decisions
There has been a radical amount of change for my family and myself over the last year and the journey is still very much in its infancy. During this time (especially the last few months) I have been faced with many life altering decisions that very much impact me to my core. These decisions almost echo that of market fluctuations that come in the form of FUD (Fear, Uncertainty, and Doubt). I cannot help but reflect on this period of time as being just another swing be it bullish, or bearish both pertaining to life and Crypto. Every move I make in life is a well thought out commitment to do better for myself, my family, and anyone else I can help in the process. Making no excuses for who I am, and pushing forward with tough calls every moment of every day is how I choose to navigate the waters. Ultimately what is boils down to is perseverance whether the chips are stacked in my favor or not. Every win and every loss are treated the same; As a learning experience to perform even better for the next round.

Current Standings
At this point I feel that life is just as chaotic as the Crypto Market, and all I can do it trust in my decisions, and I do. I feel as individuals we should all have the ability to distinguish between what we need and what we want. Between what others advice and our own best judgement. We are all playing for the big WIN here, and I think it is foolish to let the anything other than that stand in your way. I play life the same way I play the Market... Aggressively! I guess my point is regardless of the circumstances, or news from minute to minute stay true to you. Listen to your gut because it never lies. Panic in moments of failure does little good. Dust yourself off, learn from it, and come back stronger than ever.

-Happy Trading

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