Gun Control

Oh, how ignorant some people are. March for Our Lives happened today, and the only good thing that came of it was that it highlighted those that have no understanding of history nor what a right is. These hypocrites used their First Amendment right to protest and really try and remove the Second Amendment right from everyone. I'm not sure what sort of mental gymnastics it takes to think one right is ok but another is not, but eh, stranger things.

The most haunting part of this is that when exposed to how bad of an idea that would be, these people cover their ears, shut their eyes, and start casting out all sorts of inaccurate labels, like Nazi. Nazi, as in people who confiscated guns from people and then killed a bunch of them. The issue with using words so inaccurately like that is that it doesn't leave a greater term for when an actual Nazi is around. It is the boy who cried wolf.

What seems to be the problem is that none of these people are willing to accept actual statistics regarding firearms, instead willing to just paint their own narrative and call it true. Here's Josh Sigurdson ( giving a whole bunch of stats on this. Thanks for sparing me having to research and write that all out.

Now, the argument to all that seems to be if no one has any firearms, there won't be any. Absolutely! That's why there are no drugs anywhere. You can't even get them in prisons or schools. Oh shit... I guess that hasn't worked. Prohibition does nothing but create a black market. You know those guns that gangs have? Those aren't exactly legal, and they certainly aren't registered.

Ok, so some people want to talk about the “sick fantasy” of taking up arms against a tyrannical government. People have claimed that citizens couldn't take up arms and survive against such a government. Except that it has happened. The Vietnamese certainly stood up to the US army, and though that's not a perfect comparison, it certainly shows it can happen. The founding of the US literally comes from a bunch of civilians standing up to the tyranny of their oppressors. Syrian people would certainly be faring a lot better against that tyrannical regime had they been able to possess better weaponry.

Want more examples? Every civil war. Ever.

And that's a big part that people are missing. When a government turns and starts attacking its citizens, there seems to be this assumption that the military will just abide by what it is being told and follow orders to completion. It might, for a while, but when that solder is told that he or she is going to be attacking his or her family or friends, I'd expect there to be a change in attitude. History has also shown us that scenarios like this would happen. In the US civil war, a certain someone wouldn't attack his beloved Virginia, turning the tide of battle. Assume for a moment that you're in the military and are told to attack your hometown, killing friends and family. Are you doing it, or are you standing up? It only takes a few to stand up to make the internal change, and in the moment, as well as the real history, they are regarded as heroes.

Guns are not, and have never been, the problem. In places with strict firearm control, people have come up with other ways to hurt and kill each other. Acid attacks are on the rise. Stabbings happen at a frequent rate. There were 163 victims in the Kunming knife attack in 2014. Bombs were being detonated in Austin, TX last week. None of those are guns, but they do have one thing in common – bad people. Bad people will always find ways to do bad things, and the only way to stop those bad people is to allow good people every possible tool to stop the bad people, whether they are civilian or government.

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