Prenatal Conflict - Update

The beginning of this fiasco:

The resolution:

After researching and panicking all day, I called every midwife in the area I could find. I finally got a call back from the one my chiropractor recommended. I told her what happened with my doctor, and we went over my birth plan. She said everything was very reasonable and mostly what they encouraged anyway, and what might not be standard she said it was ultimately my decision. Her job is to provide me with the information, pros and cons, benefits and risks, in order to make the best decision possible. That's all I wanted - someone to listen to my concerns, talk to me about my options, and respect my decisions, while keeping me informed and educating me when needed. I know I don't know everything. I don't have a medical degree. So if something I've chosen might be wrong, give me the info I need to make a better decision. I'm not infallible, but quite frankly, neither are the doctors..... Anyway, I am filling out release of information forms and getting transferred immediately. And the hospital she practices at is in-network with my insurance! I was so relieved I was in tears on the phone with her. She was so sweet, and I could hear the genuine concern and sympathy in her voice. I can finally relax and breathe!

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