Public Transportation to Work

I took public transportation to work yesterday while I was getting the brake pads replaced on my truck. I snapped a handful of photos to share so my steemit friends as I was walking so you can get a glimpse into what that experience was like for me:








For some background, I live 10 miles away from my office and there is an electric metro train that is fairly close to my house and which stops pretty close to my office. 10 miles in Los Angeles traffic usually takes between 25-35 minutes for me, while riding the train takes about 40-45 minutes for me, including walking time. The train fare is $1.75 each direction, so it comes out to $3.50 round trip, which is about the same cost as a gallon of gas would be in my truck. Either way, it costs me about $3.50 in gas to drive, or $3.50 to take the train to work. There is time savings driving myself, but extra wear and tear need to be considered on the driving commute if you are doing a cost comparison. You would think that public transportation would be a lot cheaper, but that is not the case for me.

All this to say that the commute is fairly comparable either way, but that I usually drive. I do find the walk to the train station to be nice but it can certainly get hot. Also, the train is less stressful than driving around in heavy traffic, but it can also get crowed and be standing room only, and there is more flexibility when you have your own vehicle with you.

Regardless, I am fortunate to have multiple options to get to work and I hope you enjoyed the pictures from the train commute!

Does anyone else find that public transportation is about the same or cheaper than taking your own vehicle?


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