Are we more forgetful or do we have TMTR???

Are we more forgetful or do we have TMTR (TOO MUCH TOO REMEMBER? You hear all the time as you get older you get more
forgetful. Don't get me wrong I know there are certain medical conditions that causes memory loss but sometimes we have so much to remember its difficult to remember it all. We as a society have so much to rememember these days as compared to our
ancestors of old.

We have passwords,passcodes,Doctor appointments,luncheon engagements,bills,pets,children,medicines to take,birthdays,anniversaries, and well you get the idea. All of the information has to be categorized and listed in order of time,importance,and logistics. Which in turn can be enough to cause a short circuit and quite possibly a complete circuit over
load. Technology is supposed to help with this but in my opinion it makes it worse.


Our ancestors of old had a little less to remember back then . It was pretty much the same thing day in and day out. A family all pulled together just to survive. There wasn't all of life's "fun things "that we have today. When you went into town to get supplies (which was probably minimal) you made sure you didn't forget anything. It would probably be a long time before you went back. I think I would have loved to live back in those days ,life just seemed less stressful.

I don't know if my babbling made any sense but I just wanted to share a few thoughts about the subject.
Thank you for your time.

Images provided by Clipish

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