Lessons from Nature ~ The Dolphin

Today our lessons from nature swims into our awareness on the back of the Dolphin.

It is hard to argue that the dolphin remains one of the most gracious and wondrous creatures on this planet. When we observe the dolphin there are so much great qualities of the dolphin that we can apply in our everyday lives.


Despite the dolphins peaceful and gentle nature, it is plain to see that the dolphin holds an essence of power, however the dolphin does not need to advertise this at every opportunity in order for us to see that. The same can be applied in our lives, we do not need to flaunt our power in order to make it known, if we are truly powerful we can transcend that into a state of goodness.


Just as the dolphins always makes time to be playful, we can also make time in our lives to appreciate the things that bring us joy, we are living in strenuous times and if we forget to allow ourselves to be playful within ourselves from time to time we might get caught in a web that will get harder and harder to escape from making a harmonious existence less probable

Friendship and community

The dolphin remains a social creature that is very protective over the ones that it shares it space with as well as allowing the protection of others to embrace itself. This serves as a very powerful reminder that you are never alone, you have the right to stand up for what you believe in as well as for the ones you love, but more than that, it is ok to accept help from others from time to time.

Embrace your Intelligence

The dolphin also depicts undisputed intelligence, not only in its mental fields such as problem solving and memory, but also emotional intelligence. In doing so the Dolphin provides us with an essential life lesson to embrace our own intelligence mentally as well as emotionally, we are capable of so much more than what we give ourselves credit for, and the only way to change that is firstly by acknowledging that and secondly by embracing our intelligence.

I hope that you have enjoyed todays lessons from nature, and that you could take something from this article.

Blessings and love

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