
Without Money we are a Nobody, but without GOD, we don't/won't exist at all.

The pursuit of money today in our present world has made some persons deviate or forget their creator - God.
We all know of the popular saying that "God made man, man made money and money made man mad". Have you ever wondered if this is a truth in anyway?

A Self-Check

  • If all the money you have now was taken away, will you still be satisfied with God?
    • If all the dreams you have ended up not becoming a reality, will you still be satisfied with God?
      • If you never became that superstar, will you still be satisfied with God?
        • If you never get that house or car you ever wanted, will you still be satisfied with God?
          • If you ended not being satisfied by life, will you still be satisfied with God?

At this point, one would want to ask if getting money or all of the comforts of life is bad; NO! Not at all.
Remember there is a saying that money answers to all things, but Money shouldn't be the reason you forget God.
You should also remember God's word; after you seek His kingdom, all things you need shall be added to your life (money inclusive).

One amazing thing about life some persons affirm; Man is never satisfied despite all His getting. Yes! That's true but there is only one exception; One with God is Complete and Satisfied!

Don't allow money be the reason you forget God your creator. He's given you the money and all of the goods in this world. Use all of it to the glory of God


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