Welcome to the VOID...

The Void

I am not an expert on anything. In fact, I pretty much just know enough to get me through life. I wont have deep conversations on intricate topics or provide expert advice on my field of study to which i hope to in your affections and admiration. Instead, I might tell you my thoughts on the latest "THING" I saw at the store, the best book I have read recently (and yes, I DO read). In fact, here is the first random thought that just popped up. I cant even stay on topic for an introduction paragraph.

Reading: Do it. One of the best bosses I have ever had, we will call him "Bob", well because his actual name is Bob, asked me what the last book I read was. Honestly, I could not think of the last book I read and I'm pretty sure that comic books were not an acceptable answer. Yes, I read comic books. I am an enigma of things that you wouldn't think I am! But back to Bob. I simply told him that in all honesty, I could not remember. Well that was probably a worse answer than comic books. He told me and I quote

"Anybody that knows how to read and does not, well that a shame."
- Bob my boss

Coming from your boss, especially one that you admire, that is not music to your ears. So I did what any normal person would do. I downloaded Audible and started to "read". Now before you judge, I have a 45 minute commute into the office. That is the perfect "reading" time for me. So now i am on a one-book-a-month reading schedule. Not to mention the monthly book all the the directors have to read, as assigned by Bob, now before each management meeting here at my job. Strange this started after our conversation with a box full of leadership books Bob brought for all of us. I take no fault for this.

Yeah, so anyway, complete randomness, check back for ramblings on other stuff that pops up.

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