Looking at Life thru a Straw. Part 1.

Looking at #Life thru a Straw. PT 1.

Note: This is 100% true life story, only people's names were changed to protect identities...
This is my story. We begin on the Friday 13th June, 2008.

It's just a usual friday night's service. We got hammered thru the dinner rush, and went about our clean up routine as per usual. As the Head Chef leaves we have a quick word about my morning shift tomorrow, and off he goes with a wave over his shoulder. As the Apprentice, it's my role to be last to leave, cleaning up everything from top to bottom and preparing for the Chef to just be able to walk in and start cooking the next day.

I complete my work as usual and wound up the night, hanging up my apron, gathering my things and stuffing them in my backpack, before signing out and hitting the last light switch on my way out, and into the main bar area of the hotel. It was knock-off-pot-o'clock as I'd say, and I ordered my mixed rum and coke from my employer, the hotel's owner and licensee. After fumbling around in my backpack for my cigarettes and phone I head outside to the smoking area, where I can see one of our waitresses, Jodie, already at our usual spot having a smoke and catching up with her phone, as we always did while we discuss our night.

As I place my drink down on the bench, I light up a cigarette and then proceed to dial the taxi service on my phone. I placed my order, and being after 10pm on a Friday night in a very small rural country Victorian town, it was going to take 45 minutes to arrive. So I start to send a text to my mother, who I still live with being an apprentice on very low rates.

Halfway thru sending my text I feel an old familiar feeling, <CRACK!> as a punch lands to the side of my skull, right above the ear. Being no stranger to fisticuffs, I immediately stand to face my assailant, saying close to his face, "What the fuck did you do that for?" and without hesitation, he says, "Coz I Can" and instantly I'm struck again, this time on the front side of the jaw, while my mouth is still open in disbelief.

This ain't good. I feel everything go east on me in the mouthal region, and I know there is no fight here. Reeling from the hit, I push past him to grab my bag and said to him, blood flowing from my mouth, "You're fucked mate, you just assaulted a member of staff!" and with that I take myself into the bar as a kerfuffle breaks out behind me.

I walk up to the bar where the owner is trying to see what was going on outside and I tell him that I've just been assaulted and my jaw is broken. He says, "Bullshit" and I hear "No mate, it's true. This little cunt outside just king-hit him" and a strong pair of hands guides me to the nearest toilet to help me stop from swallowing the blood. I don't even know this guy, and here he is, a fucking tree of a man, babying me and nursing me thru something that has grown to be the most traumatic experience I could imagine. He holds me up and keeps me from swallowing my blood until the ambulance arrive, and I can't thank him enough.

When the Ambulance arrives, so does my little brother Jason, scanning and demanding to know the whereabouts of my assailant. I've always been a fairly good fighter, and I've saved him from many situations because of this and I could see he was scared that someone had actually done this to me. He'd seen me take some floggings in the past, and always come up good. At this point the gravity of the situation was starting to set in, as was the nausea from shock. After a few words with my brother, the paramedics loaded me up into the Ambulance and off we set for the 45 minute journey to the nearest hospital...

To Be Continued...

Trust me, this is just the beginning of quite a tale. I've been thru many highs and lows since this and I just want to take my time to write each piece effectively. It WILL be continued, and once again I would like to say it's 100% true, this is the story of my life over the last 8 years. I've wanted to tell my story, and have tried and tried to have the motivation to be able to endure and actually write it. Steemit is a new fire of motivation inside me, and now I feel it's time. I have nothing to gain from lying, and would like to build a good reputation as a writer here on Steemit. The image attached is my jaw, where the impact was, that part of the story yet to come.

I am rusty at writing, and appreciate any tips or criticism that may help me be the writer I'm supposed to be.
Thanks for taking the time to read, and hope you look forward to coming installments...
#mystory #pain #assaulted #nonviolent #fml #chef #apprentice #steemit #introduction #introduceyourself

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