the Other Side

This morning I stood at the grave of my parents. Our period on the planet of obscure consciousness seems all to brief. Reflecting on my life, their lives... a quiet time of condensed feeling, emotion and introspection. Their lives, entertwined in a mysterious way, and yet significant for my birth, and life. The regret, the gratitude, the multitude of feelings which I do not understand. It is a moment in which words are hopelessly inadequate.

I asked myself if they exist in a dimension just outside of mine - outside of our capability and capacity to perceive? Out of our frequency range? Could they "see" me there? Do they know I'm standing above their tombstone, yet looking up to the sky - and wondering why? I ask if they, in the present - could know my thoughts? Are we connecting? They from their dimension, and me, from mine?

Have you stood over the grave(s) of those departed and what have you wondered?

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